Fun facts

Micaela has always collected hippos. She owns more than 6,000 specimens of every kind and material, from the precious ones in semi-precious stones to those in wood or poor materials.

Not being able to have a "real" one, she breeds Shar-pei dogs (those with folds, "the wrinkle dog"), which are similar to hippos.

The jewels she wears, designed directly by her, are shaped like a hippopotamus and made by a trusted craftsman-goldsmith. These are all unique pieces, made only for herself and not on the market.

This passion, almost madness, was born when Micaela was very young and lived in Argentina: she was taken to see Walt Disney's movie "Fantasy", where among the protagonists there were hippos in pink tutus who danced: "The dance of the hours ”.

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Sophie Espacio de Arte

Charming Home Montepulciano
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